Thursday, November 14, 2013

Long overdue post!

I have been meaning to write a post for the last couple of weeks and have just been so busy that when I think of it, it's so late that I'm just ready to crash.  We had our second home study visit a couple of weeks ago and it went well.  She gathered some more paperwork, made sure we had gotten the fire extinguisher, locks for cabinets, moved medicines out of reach, had working smoke alarms, etc....  Then she sat down with me for about 45 minutes and we just talked.  She asked me to go into a little more detail about some of the questions that I had on my autobiographical questionnaire.  We had a nice visit and the Lord actually allowed me an opportunity to tell her about when my Daddy got saved several years ago.  It's a long story how we got to that.. but it was perfect!! I think we both shed a few tears:)
She will meet with Bobby in the next week or so for their individual meeting and then we will be close to the end of the homestudy.  It will all be sent to our adoption agency to be approved after the meeting. I have been diligently working on our profile book.  No kidding, I bet I have put at least 15 or more hours into it.  There is so much more to it than I realized.  It's been alot of fun to do, just time consuming.  We know it will all be worth it in the end though and we can't hardly wait!!
     I've had a few people ask me about the donate button on the blog and how it works.  As you see, we have a fundraising thermometer there for you to see when we receive donations or raise money through a fundraiser.  If you click the "Donate" button, it goes to a paypal account that we have set up.  After a donation is made, it sends me an email letting me know and then I have to personally go to the account and move the money to a savings account that we have set up specifically for the adoption.  Then I will go in and update the thermometer each time a donation is made!  I have to say again that we are overwhelmed at the amount of people that have been so supportive of this adoption.  We have so many wonderful friends and family that we know are behind us 100% and pray for us daily.  Thank you so much!!!!!!!
     Also, we are trying to get a t-shirt fundraiser together soon.  We wish we were already doing it but these last couple of weeks have been so busy with the last bit of paperwork, the profile book and the education.  We each are required to have 12 hours of adoption education.  We are reading and listening to radio interviews on a website and then taking quizzes for a certificate.  It's all been very interesting and we have learned so much!

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